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Reflective Rear Boot Panel

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I've been after one of these for ages and eventually got a good one, I know some people don't like them much but suppose 'each to their own'.


Can anyone give me some help please with a couple of things,


Firstly it still has some old double sided tape left on it which needs to come off, so, would like to know what would be good to remove it ?


Secondly what do I need to use to hold it on, I've got some double sided tape from my local motorfactors, will this be enough to hold it on it's own ?

What did other people who've got them use ?


Any help would be great.


Many thanks



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Warm water is usually good for getting tape off things. Let it soak in for a while and then peel it off as best you can, then use more water and rub off the sticky residue. If that doesn't work then try white spirit.

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Firstly it still has some old double sided tape left on it which needs to come off, so, would like to know what would be good to remove it ?


I always find my thumb is best for removing old double sided foam tape, just keep rubbing

till it comes off, not your thumb that is ,lol


I've used double sided foam tape for my number plate and it's lasted a good few years,

or if you want more permanent use a silicone adhesive, like Sikaflex :wacko:

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Thanks for the help both of you :angry:


Used a combination of white spirit and the good old faithfull thumb to get the old double sided tape off.


Thumbs still intact :angry: feels like only just though !!


Decided to use the double sided tape to hold it on again and see how it goes, thanks for the Sikaflex suggestion though, will bear that in mind for future reference.


Thanks again


Dave :(:D

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