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Xu Oil Pipe?

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Can anyone help? I've done a search a found a diagram but it doesn't look the same somehow!


I've traced an oil leak to a hole in one of the pipes which runs from the bottom of the block to the oil cooler (sorry if that doesnt make sense). Its the closest one to the radiator and has rubbed on a clip causing the hole.


Looked on eurocar parts and they only describe one lower oil pipe and one breather. Plus they're not instock.


Can anyone tell me which oil pipe is it and any ideas where i can get a replacement?


Cheers :)








Pipe from Botton of Oil Filler

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first of all what car is it!!!


what year and what kind of cooler/heat exchanger does it have!?

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Ah yes sorry!


1992. 205 GTi 1.9. Not sure on the other details, I'm mechanically retarded as you might have guessed! I'll take a piccy and add it later if that helps!

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Does it look like this?




If so you can buy a replacement from a Peugeot dealer, from a hydraulics place or (shameless plug) I have what you see in the picture for sale. The ones in the picture have only done around 3K miles as I had the same issue as you. PM me if you are interested.

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My 1992 1.9 GTi had a water-oil heat exchanger on it, which i believe is standard for that year. The picture above is the air-oil cooler fitted to earlier cars.


Just in case you go into a dealer to get new bits.

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