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Mild Steel Vs Stainless Steel

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is it true that staiinless steel exhausts are noiser than exactly the same exhaust system but manufactured in mild steel

i have searched but cant seem to find a defo answer to this





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I remember hearing this too but don't know how true it is

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I think it would be true to say that stainless sounds tinnier than mild.

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I believe Clarkson mentioned it in his Heaven and hell movie, but I never thought it was actually true.





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If you imagine with cymbals the harder material cymbals produce a tinnier, crashy sound. Whereas the softer cymbals are dull.


Would it be true to say that stainless exhausts are probable thinner guage too due to the extra strength? Thus probably louder?

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I'll do some sound test if you like @ work tommorow, punching holes through ST/ST is muchos louder. Pah ting enough to make you momenterally deaf! Depends what gauge also i guess.

Edited by sonofsam

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I know from experiance that stainless exhausts make a different noise to mild ones, its tinier

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Tinnier noises will often seem louder also, as the resonance is different.

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the reason i am asking is that miles has put me in touch with his exhaust guy as i need an exhaust to mate to the 4-2-1 manifold miles supplied me to replace the awfully loud and poorly built custom stainless exhaust i have on my s16 engine running throttle bodies.

when i spoke to him and i explained that noise is a very important factor to me he said i could have a system made to match the manifold in either stainless or mild steel.

it got me thinking, now obvious stainless will last longer but i have no idea which material will make for a quiter exhaust and which will have a nicer note to it if the systems were built to identical sizes.





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As said with the comparision over more or less brittle material sounds.


Stainless is partly louder due to that, but secondly, because stainless (apparently) doesn't rust, they tend to make the wall thickness soo thin as there won't be corrosion on it.


If you're midlands ish, i'd give ashely exhuasts a ring, John can make a one off system to what you want for aroudn £200 and will last for longer than the rest of the car (crashes omitted) but also depends on the silencers used.

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Stainless steel will generally sound noisier imo due to the different resonance of the material. Mild steel exhaust's will have thicker walls than a stainless one so the sound will be different.


Its not the material that makes the most difference though, the type of silencer used can make a major difference more than the material.


Speak to your exhaust system builder & explain what you want, he should be able to recommend what is best for your application.



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Stainless steel will generally sound noisier imo due to the different resonance of the material. Mild steel exhaust's will have thicker walls than a stainless one so the sound will be different.


Its not the material that makes the most difference though, the type of silencer used can make a major difference more than the material.


Speak to your exhaust system builder & explain what you want, he should be able to recommend what is best for your application.




the exhaust builder was basically giving me the choice, same type and size of silencers made in either stainless or mild steel.

is mild steel a less tinny sound to stainless, more of a deeper note if you see what i mean

i have a full magnex on my other 205 that runs carbs and although i do like the sound it is quiet loud on the motorway and can sound a bit tinny at times not a deep note

i am swaying from everyones comments towards mild steel as it sounds like it will be quieter with a deeper note but stainless lasts much longer so i am still undecided

basically as an absolute maximum i would not like to go any louder than my current magnex on my othr car if i can





Edited by mos

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Stainless steel will generally sound noisier imo due to the different resonance of the material


I said that already :) The attack may be quicker, but the sustain and decay will be longer.


(Hnd Music Tech) and not afraid to use it :rolleyes::P

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What about Titanium or Inconel?

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What about Titanium or Inconel?

or kryptonite or platinium? :rolleyes::)

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What about Titanium or Inconel?


Having worked with both, i could tell you about the sound qualitys, but cant quite remember :rolleyes::)

I doubt its as bright as stainless though.

Edited by sonofsam

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