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Mapping Session And Slightly Blowing Back Box

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got my car with kms bodies and management booked in for a mapping session to get it set up properly

but i have a slight blow on the custom exhaust i had made up for the car around the welds on the backbox

problem is the mapping session is booked for before the exhaust place can sort this out.

will this upset back pressure etc in the exhaust to the point where the mapping session will be effected?

additionally i am thinking of having the exhaust fabricators replace the backbox entirely with a quieter one as it is incredibly loud on the road and particularly motorways and as its a road car this is no good and the neighbours are starting to hate me!

again would this upset things to the point where i should canx the mapping till things are sorted.





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try ringing around, find an exhaust place that can solve before mapping if possible. Although a slight blow shouldnt give any major headaches your best to have the setup you want before mapping to get it just right.

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It's possible it might affect the fuelling subtly, but I'd be more convcerned about the mapper refusing to do it due to the noise, it's a common issue.

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It's possible it might affect the fuelling subtly, but I'd be more convcerned about the mapper refusing to do it due to the noise, it's a common issue.


thats a good point, never really though of that.

its not that noisy and the blow is really unnoticable unless your next to the back box under the car

the main issue is i suppose that the whole exhaust is too loud, sounds like a racing one silencer system when in fact it has two, too much for road use and not fair on my ears or the neighbours

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