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Main Bearing Clearance

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Right, just assembling my 1.9 mi bottom end, but ive hit a bit of a brick wall, reading haynes it mentions peugeot have changed the main bearing clearances over the years and that they should be indentifiable by colours on the shells :P

All mine new and old are silver with no markings other than part numbers.....

Basically, the new ones are AE federal mogul part number "AEM5510 STD for peugeot"

Anyone know if these will be ok? unfortuantly, i have no plastiguage or means for measuring the clearence at the moment, but the crank has been checked and was fine.

Its quite an early engine out of an f reg 405 if that makes any difference.


I personally feel these bearing will be fine, but would make me feel a lot better if someone would like to confirm!

Cheers James.

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Unfortunately you're just guessing unless you measure the clearances. Go and buy some plastiguage. Too much risk to get it wrong.

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