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A Post Trim

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Ive tried and tried to put this back in, it may stay for a day or two and then its hanging out from the top.


I assume ive done it right by removing the door seal and wedging the trim back on followed by re-seating the door seal.


Couple of days later its back to how it was. I know that at some point somones put alarm motion detectors in the car which has done it. but want to get your opinions on ways to sort it before i replace the trim (if thats whats required)

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Isn't the trim held in by three panel clips?


I know when I rpeplaced mine one of the clips needed replacing as it wasnt holding. The clips should be a nice tight fit, the door seal doesnt hold it at all.

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It's held in by three clips, however the little sliders on the trim that the clips slide into break very easy, this is the norm as i've found. best thing is get some new trim or take the clips out of the a pillar and glue them to the trim.



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These are the white things poking out of the a pillar trim them. They look like theyve been broken then rather than just being a guide piece.


Can i get the clips seperately? or is it new trim?

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These are the white things poking out of the a pillar trim them. They look like theyve been broken then rather than just being a guide piece.


Can i get the clips seperately? or is it new trim?

Scrap yard, can be a 8itch to get out and snap lots!

Edited by Greenys_meanies

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You can get the clips seperately - probably best to buy in bulk if you go to a Pug dealer as they are used all over the interior. Maybe able to get them from other Motor Factors. Easiest if you glue them to the trim before you reattch it as they have a tendancy to slide out whilst you try and line it up.

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ah good old hot melt

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Whilst you've got them off, make yourself some tweeter pods:





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Henry Yorke
Whilst you've got them off, make yourself some tweeter pods:


Poseur! ;)


Offtopic: I was wondering why you didn't face these in towards the driver more Andy?

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Poseur! :P


Always! :P

Offtopic: I was wondering why you didn't face these in towards the driver more Andy?


Technical or non technical?


Easy explaination was I tried them in different places, and took plenty of advice, and this is currently the favoured position for many SQ oriented cars, and sounded the best. They are fitted in adjustable cups, so I can play about with the aiming a little anyway :)



Getting slightly more involved..

They are metal dome tweeters, which have a tendancy towards harshness. The JL audio ones I'm using have a rubber surround which damps out most of this, but firing them off-axis like this (not pointing at the listener) also helps to tame this effect further.


Also firing them straight at the listener is not as important with tweeters as with larger drivers (midrange etc), as they are less affected by an effect known as beaming. All drivers (speakers) give out their sound over a large area for the most part (like a light bulb gives out light in all directions), but as they get to the top of their frequency spectrum, they start to beam (similar to the way a torch sends most of its output in one direction). The larger the driver, they lower the frequency at which they start to beam, so if you have a large 6" speaker, you'll be able to hear its output drop off as the notes it is playing get higher.


With tweeters being so small (and usually dome shaped) this effect usually doesn't occur to a great extent until beyond the audible range, so it isn't as critical to aim them directly at the listener.

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