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Guest Mr Man


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Guest Mr Man

Tips please as to what I can do to manage engine heat on a hot track day... either on the day or in preparation.



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just ensure everything is in good order, liquids topped up, no leaks etc, and keep an eye on the gauges. Don't stay out on track for 40 mins, more frequent less duration (circa 20 mins) sessions are better

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Generally speaking, coolant temperatures shouldn't be too much of an issue on track so long as the cooling system is in good working order - although you're driving the car hard and at high revs, you're generally moving fairly quickly and have good airflow over the radiator.


Oil temperature can be an issue however - if it starts getting too hot, then either do a couple of "cooldown" laps, or come into the pits for 10 minutes.


Otherwise, as Sean says really - make sure all the fluids are topped up and replace anything you know to be dodgy or borderline prior to the trackday :)

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