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Horn And Rear Demister Not Working

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The horn has stopped working in my 309 and I think the rear demister also doesn't work (not much opportunity to check this in the fine weather, hence the *think* bit). They are on the same fuse, which I have changed (twice) with no luck. I have tried a spare stalk but the horn did not work with this either.


My question is, is there a relay on the fuse board in the glove compartment which deals with both? I need to double check the earthing point for the horn (to the left of the N/S headlight if its like the 205) but the fact that both the horn and demister are not working makes me think that its something electrical close to the fuse causing the problem. Dont you just love French electrics! :D Any suggestions welcomed.


Edited by LOTRS

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if they're on the same circuit, it does sound like a wiring problem

prolly best to start by checking that both the horn and demister actually work though


run some test leads straight from the battery to either to check that they actually work - this is probably only practicable for the horn though



ps. if your horn doesn't work, you'll be needing a stebel nautilus :blush:

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