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Weird Rattle

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My clocks seem to have a weird rattle that increases with revs.

If you give it a little bang from above it stops but will come back again after a while.



Any ideas? :P

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Above where? Pugs all rattle...

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Sure it's a rattle and not the speedo cable clicking? Accelerate from standing slowly and see if it relates to the speedo.

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mine started doing this recently - is it quite loud?


it was the speedo cable on mine anyway

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It's not the speedo cable as the rattle is tyhere even when your not moving.



It sounds like its actually coming from the clocks so when u hit the cover above them it shuts up.



It's not loud but is is annoying (and the fact that hitting the clocks makes it go makes me think it must be fixable?)

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jack biscuit

the dash is resonating to your engine vibrations.. some piece of plastic is touching another piece of plastic and rubbing/tapping or similar..


you can fiddle or pad something out a little..


just one of those things.


To be honest if you can hear a genuine car noise in amongst the squeaks and ratlles you're doing fine.


It is a 205, after all..




P.S. just having a guess.. but.. at the bottom of the clear cover of the front of your clocks, there are a couple of rubber tegs. maybe they're worn through like mine! Just a guess though..

Edited by jack biscuit

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Try applying pressure to various areas of the dash to see if you can stop it. It may mean not having to take the dash out to fix it.

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It's probably not this, but worth a mention. The tacho has a coiled strip of metal (like a spring) in the back and this can rattle making a very tiny noise like a little bell being rung. Usually happens at idle or low revs though. Very annoying.

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my gr did this but it was the dash comming lose just needed tightening up.

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Ok well studying I have noticed when its making the noise the needle on the rev counter is vibrating slightly, when it stops rattling the needle stays more steady.



Not sure if the needle moves becuase of the rattle or its something to do with the cause.

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Remove top of dash

Pack out as much as you can with draft excluder type self adhesive backed foam,

Apply a bead of silicone sealer around joins and leave to go off,

Replace top of dash and hope for the best.

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