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Mi16 4-2-1 Exhaust Manifold

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Are there any proven gain of having a 4-2-1 Manifold on a Standard MI16 in a 205gti ?


Have been told differing information by several different people including some experianced race users



just wondering if there was any Facts to justifiy me spending on this?

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I've never really heard of gains over using the standard manifold which is a very good item... I think it's possibly more to do with easy of fitment to a 205...


I'm sure someone will come up with another reason... my standard BX Mi made 170bhp @ Fly with an ITG filter and 4-2-1 manifold if that's any help...

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I'm this has been discussed in the past...I think on a high spec mi16 it gave another 10bhp.


I was looking at a mi16 conversion this time last year and when I made enquires to Miles he said his version gives a bit more tourqe low down than the pug spares item.

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Rob Thomson

Likewise, my smoky old Mi16 gave 172bhp on the Powerstation rollers, standard apart from a Maniflow manifold and exhaust.


Take the figures with a pinch of salt, but there were three GTi-6s there that all recorded around 161bhp. I reckon that manifold's excellent at the top-end.

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Yeah i remember that guy got fed up with everyone saying it did nafff all so he swapped his maniflow for a standard mi manifold and yup as said above he lost 10hp and said it felt like it had less grunt -_-

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Yeah i remember that guy got fed up with everyone saying it did nafff all so he swapped his maniflow for a standard mi manifold and yup as said above he lost 10hp and said it felt like it had less grunt -_-


SBC mentioned to me they had seen a 10BHP gain on the Maniflow item compared to the standard Mi16 manifold. The person's car we are talking about with the gain was Daz_C although his engine is far from standard.

Edited by Robsbc

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