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How To Fit 205 Gti Red Trim Inserts?

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Hi folks,


Forgive me if this one has been done, but while I can find lots of threads that allude to the process, I can't find an actual 'this is how it works, this is how you do it' one.


A bit of my red trim insert came loose, the passenger rear arch one. I worked out there were some clips behind the trim and that by slipping something into the gap and sliding them sideways it seemed to lock back on - so far, so good.


Then a few weeks back, I saw the red insert was hanging off and and only held on by one clip. I touched it and it came off completely.


I now had a piece of red insert that had three clips in the railed bit at the back which slide along it.


I also could see three gaps in the plastic moulding attached to the car where these could go.


After a lot of jiggery pokery I finally managed to get the clips into the gaps and slide them along so it felt like they had locked in, but there seemed to be little rhyme or reason as to how this worked.


Perhaps inevitably, I sadly then noticed today after driving the car that the red insert has fallen off and is lost forever, along with its clips.


So, a couple of questions, if anyone can help.


How exactly are you meant to attach the red side inserts?


Did I do this all wrong - do you attach the three sliding clips to the car first without the red insert on them and then try to slide the insert on?


If you are meant to attach the insert with the clips on it - what is the right way to put it on the car?


Finally, anyone got any ideas where I can track down a new bit of insert and the clips? Do Peugeot still do these?


Thanks in advance for any help.

Edited by nomis

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Attach the clips to the rivets first then slide the red strip from the rear to the front. Also the clips can be put in upside down if your not careful. Look at the profile of the strip and match that to the clips. (iirc the two prongs face downward.


The clips are these ones at the top of this photo




Suggest eBay, may be able to get them separate but they are part of this trim fixing kit or put up a wanted ad





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Tom Fenton

I don't slide the trims in, they clip nicely into the slider clips with minimal force, hook the top onto the lugs then press down and they clip on with a satisfying "click".

I'm always worried about bending them trying to slide them on.

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I did mine like Paul and slid them on, and i also think that the plastic clips should have the two prongs downwards from memory, i seem to remember the bigger rad being at the top on the metal strip..


I tried your way Tom initially, but was scared of denting/creasing the strip! Maybe i just needed to man up :P

Edited by Stu

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You are far more likely to bend them trying to slide them in sideways, the clips are meant to be inserted into the strips them pushed onto the rivet heads. If the clips look like they've been off a few times or are loose, a spot of tigerseal or similar behind each clip will hold onto them for you.

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Personally, I've never been able to push the clips on, only ever been able to slide them sideways on to the rivets and thought that was the correct way. Therefore I've always slid my trim on/off. Never bent one, but I do recommend some tape on the plastic trim to stop it getting marked.


Looks like there's more than one way to skin a cat.

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Tom Fenton


the clips are meant to be inserted into the strips them pushed onto the rivet heads.

Sorry I don't agree with this, and it sounds a sure way to dent the flimsy red strips. The clips need to be slid sideways to attach to the body rivets. You can do this with them already fitted to the strip with a thin screwdriver to shove them sideways.



Personally, I've never been able to push the clips on, only ever been able to slide them sideways on to the rivets and thought that was the correct way.

Agreed. But you can easily clip the strip to the clips once the clips are fitted to the rivets.

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For the longer pieces I slide them on/off. For the shorter ones I do as Tom has suggested.

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I tried both and felt that with that particular piece there was less potential for damage by sliding them in.


The only other point with sliding them in was not to let them ride against the plastic trims as that would mark the trim. Tom I'm surprised you never noticed that parked next to me :lol: .

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I don't slide the trims in, they clip nicely into the slider clips with minimal force, hook the top onto the lugs then press down and they clip on with a satisfying "click".

I'm always worried about bending them trying to slide them on.


This is by far the easiest and quickest way of doing it.

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Folks, thanks for the load of helpful responses.


So, it seems the short answer is that there is no right way.


Some seem to go for attach the clips to the car first and then slide the red insert onto them.


Others go for attach the clips to the car first and then clip the red insert onto them


And some for my method which was try and attach the insert with the clips already on and then slide them into place.


I must admit, the last method totally failed for me and never seemed quite right as the clips didn't seem to have a logical way to attach like that.


Am now going to try and hunt down some clips and red insert. Anyone had any experience with stuff you cut to size, or is that best avoided.


Only single bit of trim I can find for rear quarter drivers side not passenger's (which I need) is nearly 30 quid, which seems steep as some old threads were suggesting Peugeot used to sell it for £6 or so.

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You'll find any stock of red inserts to be higher in price now due to them being NFP from dealers.


Dealer will help you with the clips at least

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I do it Tom's way or Tom doe's it my way :0)

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