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Goliath's Deep Clean

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Today was the day for Goliath’s Deep Clean.


He was so excited that he started his long long journey to me on Saturday. ;)


Anyhow, bright and early this morning this is how we started.










The car itself is badged up as a 1.6. However, once you hear it coming from a distance you tell that is not a 1.6 under the bonnet.


It’s a 3 litre, 6 valve, 155 MPH Autobahn Beast. Wow!!






As always I stared off with the wheels……….oh the wheels………these lovely BBS wheels. ;)


Wonder Wheels Hot Wheels doing it’s thing.




After a brush agitation most of the dust and grime was gone.




A little blast of Auto Finesse Imperial and the harder bits where gone.




Nice wheels.


Cracked on with the preparation of the car ready for a afternoon of machining.


So much so I did not get any pictures of Snow Foaming (the only fun bit), 2 bucket wash, another Snow Foam and rinse down ready for claying.


I have recently gone over from a traditional clay bar and onto a clay mitt.




These are worth there weight in gold. You do not need and lube, you just use a bucket of soapy water. A normal bar on a 205 would probably take me about an hour and a half.


The mitt. About 35-40 minutes. A great time saver.




Once clayed it was time for another 2 bucket wash and a rinse down and into the garage, dry down and then under the lights.












Whilst I was sizing up the job in hand and getting ready for the machining. Goliath said that he wanted to help in anyway he could.


He was looking to dye his plastic trim as some of it had lost its sparkle. I have Plasticare in my kit but this would be a good change to see what Auto Finesse Revive could do on it’s own.


One coat and left to dry.



On to the polishing.















When me and Goliath sent PM’s back and forth I asked him to send through any scratches or dinks which he had on the car which I could may be have a go at.


This was the worst.





With a little wet sanding.




A little polishing.








Moving up the off side.












Up onto the roof and a 50/50 shot. Far side done. Near side to do.



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Onto the rear.




Near side.












Onto the home straight with Poor Boys BlackHole. A glaze which gives a little filler to cover some of the deeper scratches.











Then onto the wax. For the bonnet, as this takes that hardest pounding when blatting along at 155 mpg. I went for a Japanese wax, Fuso 99. They say it will last 12 months.




For the wings, doors and boot lid I choose DoDo Juice Blue Velvet.


For the rear panels I whacked on a bit of Auto Finesse Illusion. My favourite wax on my collection. It is a show wax and only has about a months worth of protection.




Hopefully on the rear panel it could last a bit longer.


Tyres were treated to the old fashioned Turtle Wax Wet & Black.





The alloys were protected with Sonax Extreme Detailing Spray. This gives a shine and will make cleaning the wheels a lot easier for a while.




Goliath, ended up treating the trims with Plasticare and then going over the top with Auto Finess Revive.


With this method and topping up with Revive everynow and then my bumpers have stayed black for 2 years plus.



This is how we ended up.














Nine hours from start to finish and I am aching like mad.


I’ll be looking forward to go to my day job tomorrow for a rest. ;)


George. It was a pleasure to meet you and your ladyfriend, Bethany. She wants a 205, she is interested in deep cleaning and she got her hands dirty doing the trims.


She is a keeper. ;)


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Before and after.


%7B%7BFRAME%7D%7D.gifpicasion.com 257Ww



Did I mentioned I liked the wheels.


If only I had 3 more steel one's. Haha.



Edited by iPlod999

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Looking really good! You're a pro at it. Great looking car.


What is it on the bonnet in the 2nd picture in the garage, looks like blistering lacquer or micro blister under the lacquer but it's not. I have a simular effect on my bonnet. Did you wet flat the bonnet?

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I'm not Pro hence the Deep Clean and not Detailing title. I leave that to the boys and girls who earn a good living from it.


The bonnet has 2 patches of this on it. I imagine at one stage the bonnet has been painted and moisture has got in underneath the caused the blisters.


I went very very gently over a little of it with wet sanding. The heads of of the blisters I touched came off bringing out the primer underneath.


Not my car so I will not mess about with it too much.


Showed it to George and explained what I thought it was and told him I will leave well alone.


Just with a tiny bit of wet sanding and machining it came up a little better.

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Oh man, I am going to bring her down, you keep tempting me...

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You keep saying Ed. ;)


George came from Gloucestershire. You're literally a next door neighbour. :)

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Forgot to mention.


George brought along his GoPro to film the days action in time lapse.


Beware of my shiny head. Wear sunglasses. :)


Any how cheers for the Cider George.





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We can tell it was a long hard day. "3 litre, 6 valve" and "155 mpg" ahem. :lol:

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We can tell it was a long hard day. "3 litre, 6 valve" and "155 mpg" ahem. :lol:


Looks like you had a long day too, Glen only made one of those typos :lol:


It’s a 3 litre, 6 valve, 155 MPH Autobahn Beast. Wow!!

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We can tell it was a long hard day. "3 litre, 6 valve" and "155 mpg" ahem. :lol:

Not 155 MPG. That would be silly. ;)

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Looks like you had a long day too, Glen only made one of those typos :lol:


The 155 mpg bit was in the middle of the post, not in the same sentance as above. So naaaaaaaaaa.

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Thanks again Glen, we really enjoyed yesterday and I'm amazed at the results! Pugfest this year will be the first time I have shown up with a clean car!


I will get the gopro timelapse footage edited and uploaded as soon as I get a chance :)


Yeh it definitely doesn't do 155mpg, best I can manage is 40 ish!

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George you are more than welcome.


It was an enjoyable day and it was great for you and Beth to get stuck and get your hands dirty.


My aim is to get more shiny shiny 205 ' s on the road. :)

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Here is the timelapse video:


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I notice you don't mask the plastics. Do you find it a challenge not getting polishing products on the trim?

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I went round and was treating the trim after the polishing was done, there wasn't any polish to speak of on the trim but I would have cleaned it off before treating the trim if there was.

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I notice you don't mask the plastics. Do you find it a challenge not getting polishing products on the trim?

Erm. No. ;)

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To be fair. The trim on the the door and rear side and rear panels are set slightly further back than the paintwork. Only a few mm.


The wheel arch trim obviously does stand proud. However, with careful use of the machine I find there is no need to mask off on a 205.


Other makes and models do get masked if needed.

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how do you remove polish from the trim? i'm struggling

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I would use some APC, All Purpose Cleaner.


Tesco do one called Daisy for 29p.


Spray on. Microfiber cloth off. May be a stiff brush to agitate if required.

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Can't see your pics in the first couple of posts...


Says "look how's popular, upgrade to pro"


May be my end, anyone know what I can do?

Edited by mrfirepro

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These last couple of cleaning threads have been brilliant and inspired me to have a good go on the Alfa.


I bought some hot wheels on the weekend which got most of the brake dust off, however there are still some stubborn bits there. Would you recommend the Auto Finnesse imperial you used in this thread for the harder bits?

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