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Weeping Bbm Pipes

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sounds silly and I have searched all over but im really struggling to get my bbm water pipes to stop weeping coolant. Pipes are great and have used all new jubilee clips but the seam to be slightly bigger than original and slip around. The worst bit is the black plastic manifold at the rear of the engine which feeds the pump.


Anyone else had this? was thinking about removing them and wrapping ptfe tape around?


Thanks for any help, and merry xmas


Cheers Adie



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Chances are you've over tightened them.

You might need a new plastic manifold.

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Hi Adie,



Are you tightening the clips with a wrench rather than just a screw driver?


If you are still having problems you may find switching to the T-bolt style clamps will give you the extra clamp force you need. We are going to be supplying these in the New Year.


Regarding the plastic water pump housing. It sounds like I may have supplied you with a 34mm dia hose rather than a 32mm (this hose hose shouldn't be a loose fit as you describe). If this is the case drop me an email over and I will get the right one out to you.



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Hi Stew and Alex


Thanks for the responce, I must admit to getting a 7mm spanner on them to make sure its tight, I hate jubilee clips. Great idea to change to t-bolt clamps will get some in the new year.


Stew I didnt realise you could get different sizes that makes sense as the main leak is from that pipe and also at one end of the metal pipe that sits near the inner wing.


I purchased the kit second hand from my friend so I will take the hit and get a new one from you.


Many thanks for your help

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must ad that my mate that sold me these is a really good friend and he brought them second hand and never fitted them on car, its much more like something I have done!

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Do I need to cut one of the pipes you sent me?

And could you comment on this http://forum.205gtidrivers.com/index.php?showtopic=145867&hl=

Not sure if I have a pipe mixed up :)


None of the pipes in Stew's kits should need cutting, they are near, if not exact copies of the original pipes & give a factory quality fit.


I've recently posted a picture of how the coling pipe layout is on the 8v GTI & your CTI will be the same but as Mei said in reply to your topic, you have the pipes fitted in the same way I have on my car but my BBM pipes fit into the bulkhead clamp / support fine, tighter than original pipes as they are slightly thicker but they do fit.



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