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3/8 Bsp To M14 X 1.25 Male To Male Adapter

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I'm struggling to find a 3/8 bsp to m14 x 1.25 adapter so I can fit my mechanical oil temp gauge, here:




I can find 3/8 to m14 x 1.5 no problem, but the current oil temp gauge in my sump (mi16) is m14 x 1.25, odd size I know! And I cant use a couple of fittings to reduce it down otherwise the temp sensor wont actually be in the sump.


Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction or has one they dont need?





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Think automotive can probably help. They only have 14x1.5 listed in the catalogue, but they can probably get you a 14x1.25 one. Edited by Ryan

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And if you get really stuck, give us a shout if its not major urgent I can probably find some time to spin something up on the lathe.

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Thanks for the replies, I phoned that spot this morning Ryan but they havent got one and cant get one, been down to some local suppliers in town aswell but no luck. I'm amazed at how it appears no one makes these at all. I know its a bit of an odd size, but its not that bad!


How tricky / time consuming would this be to make up EdCherry?



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Tom Fenton

Have you considered drilling a new hole in the sump and tapping it 3/8 BSP? This is probably the easiest solution?

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Thought about that though I've already sealed up the sump with a new gasket and a smear of silicone so dont really want to take it off again to clear the swarf out then have to put a new gasket etc on. I'll look into seeing if I can do it with a few fittings though didnt really want to go down this route

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for the sake of a £5 gasket I'd crack on and tap it out, though I would just use sealant tbh.

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Cracked it, M14 x 1.25 to 5/8" unf > 5/8" unf to 3/8" bsp from here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220994112092?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 and here http://www.speedograph-richfield.com/html/temperature_gauge_adaptors.html (TE9) if anyone else gets stuck with this and doesn't want to drill the sump out, you now know where to look, cheers for the help guys

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