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Dave Cartmell

Starter Trouble

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Dave Cartmell

Has anyone ever experienced starter motors spinning up but not engaging or engaging but not spinning? Ive built a 1.9 gti engine and been through 2 starter motors and ive not even got the car on the road yet. The 1st one went when i took it to get the ecu set up for a running in period after only about 20 times starting max, when i got home i took it off and checked it on the bench and it was throwing the crank out but not spinning up. Presuming that it was a faulty starter i bought a new one which worked fine, i had a few bits to finish before i could take it for an mot and ive been starting it up every weekend to keep the battery from dieing. Id booked it in for an mot last weekend so i thought id check it the day before, i got it out the garage it stated up fine i run it up to temp then turned it off and decided to give it wash. Then when i went to put it back in garage it started to turn over then stopped and i could just hear the starter spinning. I tryed it on the bench it looked like it was working fine, put it back on the car and just spins. Checked the earth to gearbox that was fine, checked battery for full charge that fine. Surely two brand new starters cant jus go after a few dozen starts? Its doin my head in if anyone has experienced similar and knows what it could be id be gratefull for any help/advice.

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Are the locating dowels in place? If not they easily slip out of place and just spin hopelessly. As it's a new build have you checked all the bellhousing bolts are well torqued?

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Dave Cartmell

I'll have a good check this weekend, everything looks like its bolted up ok though.

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