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Right, Anyone else had the problem with it cracking after you put it on? its now dryed and cracked every where but it wont peel off.put more stone chip over the top and it hasnt cracked as bad but its cracked anything elsi i can pu over it? realy dont want to have to get it all off again?

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Yes :) :




..if the affected area is big then it'll certainly be very time consuming and dirty job to clean it off and re-do the surface again .. poke around very carefully , inspect every single crack and make sure that the stonechip coating wont peel off (if does , peel it off around that area) ..


I fixed this with the PU sealant (some expensive sealant in tube made specially for car bodywork repairs) , first i sealed up all the gaps/cracks with this sealant and afterwards brushed two thick coats of bitumen based underseal on entire floor pan on top of the previous rubber based undeseal (bitumen based is more flex resistant and kinda "oily" , like paste , so it covers up the surface completely filling up all the big and tiny gaps/cracks and it does not harden nor shrink after it dries off ...)


Damir B)

Edited by DamirGTI

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