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Well fdg has throwen up a problem. Will try cleaning the contacts on earth blocks and connectors anyway, but wondered if this pointed to anywhere else incase that doesn't work.


Phase 1


Indicate Left - Fine, dash bulb bright and all lights work


Indicate Right - Sometimes its fine as above, sometime its dim and dims all the headlights when its meant to come on. Also as the relay clicks for the lights to come on the battery light comes on dimly. Turning it off and re indicating makes no difference normally, if I give a 5 minute period between indications sometimes it will work again.


Please help, slightly annoying at a mini roundabout when they dont work. :lol:

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most likely cause is either the earth point or the hazzard switch, could be the stalk as well.

Edited by welshpug

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I had a similar problem but it was the left indicator that didn't work randomly and it didn't dim the lights. Cutting off the brown connector near the indicator and re-connecting the wires with bullet connectors seemed to fix it.

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Forgot to mention the wiring gets a bit hot but I guess that just supports it earthing.


Right had a bit of a fiddle quickly, and all of a sudden it speed up as though a bulb had gone, then a small plume of smoke from the right hand front indicator.


Quickly off with the electrics and inspected the wiring for burning, luckily none, seemed to be coming from the indicator bulb holder, took it out to find this. Brand new week old indicators ffs.






Probably only just started to happen, will continue cleaning connections, bent those forks back apart so they cant touch like they were and will try again in a second.

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Bent the forks back into posiition, double checked a few plugs were all connected fine, and it indicates again! bit worried about the smoke but hopefully it will just stop working again before there are any fires!

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