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Atari Boy

3 Litres Of Coolant Gone In 100 Miles

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Atari Boy

Even I know this is not meant to happen.

Some of you may remember that I put a XU10J2 lump in my 205 about two months ago as the 1.9 started knocking and I had a ‘ring trip booked for two weeks later. Well, it performed faultlessly although it was a bit smoky so I knew I would need to replace the valve stem seals at some point.


Well I think I may need to lookat it sooner rather than later as I just topped up my coolant and it has used about 3 litres in about 100 miles, they were 100 enthusiastic miles however.


I can't see any leaks, the rad is a year old and there is pressure in the expansion tank after driving.


Is it head gasket time?

Edited by Atari Boy

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If theres no leaks it would suggest heavily that the headgaskets gone. 3 litres in 100 miles... thats pretty bad

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If there's no visible leaks then it doesn't sound good - does the expansion tank smell of fuel/exhaust and are the coolant pipes getting hard with the engine running? Either of those combined with the coolant loss pretty much confirms it in my opinion, but if you want to be sure then any good garage should be able to do a dip-check to confirm HG failure.


Could be worse though - picked up a 309 with a friend of mine last weekend, and the headgasket let go on the way home - I think we used over 12 litres of water in 50 miles nursing that home :rolleyes:

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Could be worse though - picked up a 309 with a friend of mine last weekend, and the headgasket let go on the way home - I think we used over 12 litres of water in 50 miles nursing that home :rolleyes:


:lol: French eh!

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A better attempt than the last head gasket'd XU "nursed" home eh Ant :rolleyes:

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Could be worse though - picked up a 309 with a friend of mine last weekend, and the headgasket let go on the way home - I think we used over 12 litres of water in 50 miles nursing that home :blush:



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I had a dodgy expansion tank cap leak coolant out, it pressurised but obviously couldn't hold full pressure during driving. Took ages to work that one out. Similar symptoms to what your having.


Still check its not the head gasket though.

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If there's no visible leaks then it doesn't sound good - does the expansion tank smell of fuel/exhaust and are the coolant pipes getting hard with the engine running? Either of those combined with the coolant loss pretty much confirms it in my opinion, but if you want to be sure then any good garage should be able to do a dip-check to confirm HG failure.


Could be worse though - picked up a 309 with a friend of mine last weekend, and the headgasket let go on the way home - I think we used over 12 litres of water in 50 miles nursing that home :rolleyes:


You still didn't get coolant surge or flames out the exhaust, so poor effort.

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Atari Boy
I had a dodgy expansion tank cap leak coolant out, it pressurised but obviously couldn't hold full pressure during driving. Took ages to work that one out. Similar symptoms to what your having.


Still check its not the head gasket though.


I have been told that the car produces a white/grey smike on over run, which does tie in with h/g I think. I will check the cap also, sounds a bit cheaper to fix.

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Blimey Jonny not having much luck on this one!


mind you with the head off it'll be a good time to do the cam!

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Atari Boy
Blimey Jonny not having much luck on this one!


mind you with the head off it'll be a good time to do the cam!


Exactly, well, at least I get a better cam out of it.

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