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All Praise The GTI

Tran X Lsd Fitting

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All Praise The GTI

i got one of these from the group buy awhile back and now fitting it to my box is the only thing holding me back from getting my track 205 rebuilt.

ive been put off by the fact i apparrently need to grind some of the gearbox casing. can anybody give me some tips or tell me how to do this as i never received any instructions with the diff. i think i know how to fitt it but nothing about the grindng. pictures would be amazing if anyone has any???

also do the bearings on the ends need greasing or do they get lubed from the gearbox oil?

and lastly what oil do i need and where can i get it?

many thanks in advance


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there is a bit of ally in the diff housing that sticks out...just grind this off.


also i have been told you cannot just fit these diffs as they need to be opened set the put back together?

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Dry fit the diff and you will see where you need to grind. I do have a fitting guide, which I can scan in but not till later.


Also, what box are you fitting it to as AFAIK the BE1 boxes need the speedo housing shimmed against the diff bearing.


As for oil, I used the Pug Total BV stuff.

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All Praise The GTI

its going in a xsara vts box :huh:

also i ment to ask ive got a gti-6 box here as well. i know the vts box is ment to have better ratios but is it the gears or the final drive/ crown wheel? that makes it better?

could i make a good hybrid box using the vts one and gti-6 one while im at it? just a thought :lol:

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Henry 1.9GTi

the bit sticking out on the diff housing, a 2 inch long ridge, may or may not need grinding down.


The bit that caused me most issuses was the gearbox casing; if your looking at the diff, the 'long' side... where that sits in the box it wont clear when the housing is put back. Need to gring say 1mm from this area. Be careful not to go right through the casing otherwise will need building back up from the other side.


Hope that makes sense.



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All Praise The GTI

thanks henry il take a look 2morro.

i popped round a mates to use his bench vice and swapped the crown wheel onto the tran x. so its ready to go in. although we noticed it wasnt sitting 100% central in the final drive so loosend the bolts and tried movin it,made it better but its not perfect. wont this cause vibrations and problems???? :lol:

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This is the bit I had to dremel down a bit when fitting my quaife which was odd as I had never heard of quaifes needing anything removed when fitting but there you are.....we put it all together bolted up loose, stuck a driveshaft in and tried to turn it slowly but it caught so took it back off and you could just see the mark where it was touching as circled below, suggest you do this test after grinding it back anyway just incase there is something else. Dont want to get it back on its wheels to find they dont turn.


This is looking upwards as there was enough room to do it with the box on the car and thats the end of the box/diff housing, ie NOT the bit you remove, should be obvious when looking at it



Edited by VisaGTi16v

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All Praise The GTI

excellent, thanks mate :D

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I think if you look in Tom Fentons topic, he has pictures of where you need to grind to fit a tran-x.


Ive got one in a Xsara box, its not too much work, i just dry fitted mine a couple of times and stuck a shaft in the end to make sure it span freely. From what i have seen you need to grind a little more from the Xsara boxes as the casing is a bit thicker.


EDIT: HERE it is. :D

Edited by taylorspug

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All Praise The GTI

hmm now ive seen pics of bits that need grinding on both sides. il take a look and dry fitt it and try with shafts in then get my grinder out lol

cheers guys

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All Praise The GTI

i just went out to try trial fitt it and the bloody thing doesnt fitt atall. i put the crown wheel on and bolted it as it was on the standard diff and now it looks too far over as tho it needs bolting onto the diff from the other side. maybe this is why when i received the diff the new bolts were put through in place on the oppossite side as they were as standard grr.... off to my mates to use his vice to switch it over i guess... not happy

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The crownwheel only fits on one way on the Tran X, so I'm guessing here you fitted as per the BE4 type box which is different to BE1 and BE3 type. You will see on the Diff a machined part for the crownwheel to fit over which centre's it then bolt it on with thread lock.

This isn;t even covered in the supplied fitting info which doesn;t cover anything really bar a small amount of grinding required for fitting which again as said on some posts vary;s from box to box due to the castings being so different.

Again the shimming which I think has been covered only covers very early BE1 (Upto 1985) and late Be3/BE4 box's, If your's had a shim in it when you took it apart you will need to check the end float on the diff

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can anyone confirm these diffs dont come pre-set?


The shop told me it all needs to come apart and put back together to the correct settings?

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That is aload of rubbish, when you buy the Diff you have a choice of setting's normally unless the shop just buy's in X and expects you to change it, They should at the very least tell you what the setting is, Tran X supply them to your choice at no extra cost.






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All Praise The GTI

didnt get a chance to go to mates to check/swap the crown wheel to the other side. will prob do it late sunday or on monday. its a pain i dont have a vice at home <_<

maybe this is why we struggled to get it bolted down centrally?

could you check what mine is set to please miles if you stil have the details noted down? when i ordered i said i wanted it for a 205 with a gti-6 engine with a xsara vts box used for trackdays but would be driven on the road with No powersteering but i do have a power steering rack fitted with no power to act as a quick rack.

i dont know sod all about lsds but from what ive read and been told thought id want a 45/45? but on my box and on the packaging it says 30/60 fully l/w i think??? will this be ok for road use? as i plan on driving it to the ring lol

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Miles - Just got a note with it saying that is has just been put together loosly and we need to strip it and rebuild it?

Edited by GTI6BOY

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The Diff is fine APTG, Even with the Diff I have which is set to the max I find it spot on not that I drive it on the road mind, But they only work when needed.


On the note basis, That is a new one to me. I have never striped one down so I cannot say how hard it is to swap, I normally send them back for the £80.00 it's quicker for me as I don;t have much time anyhow

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All Praise The GTI

right ive finally figured it out,ground the box and got it fitted :(

has anyone else got any gear oil recommendations and where i can get it?

many thanks


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I've been reading around the threads to answer the same question and the concensus seems to be to use the standard oil that Pug stock 75w80, its cheap as chips too!

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