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Big Running Issue

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Hi all im really confused about this one


so i started the car up this morning and ran it for all of about 2 miles. running fine and no issues!


came out of a junction and it spluttered to a shuffering halt. tried starting it again. started but wouldnt idle or rev up at all just kept dipping down and cutting out. anyhow finally got it started but and to keep revs above idle for it to stay alive.


so on the way to work it starts to ease back to normal. coming up the dual carriageway and went to over take so foot slightly down a bit more but it started to judder and serious lack of power. had to dip the clutch and give it a rev revs to keep it alive.


anyhow managed to finally get to work with it all the way there. went out at lunch time and same issue but idled fine. same again after work. it just wont go past 2.5k revs without juddering and almost cutting out.


ive had this issue before. changed the ignition amp and problem srtill remained. ICV is not to old either as i replaced that when i got the car last year. its started first time every day through the snow and rain so why is it like this all of a sudden?


anyone have any ideas?

Edited by timmsy19

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Id go for most likely airflow meter fault,or less likely ecu temp senser problem. I had a prob with one,on light throttle it was fine but once it gets any kind of load it would hold back and missfire,and that was the airflow meter.


Hope you get it sorted

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yeah sounds idential to that.


hm airflow meter? any ideas how i tell the difference between them as i got 2 laying about but i think there both for a standard 1.9 8v

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yeah sounds idential to that.


hm airflow meter? any ideas how i tell the difference between them as i got 2 laying about but i think there both for a standard 1.9 8v


Not to sure on how to tell the difference,try checking the part numbers on yours and see if there the same on them,if you cant find the numbers just stick em on and see if it improves it,i would have thought the difference between airlow meters on a 1.6 and 1.9 would be minimal. Doesnt take long to try it either.

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i'll give it a go in the morning before work :D


mine is a 1.9 mi16. im quite sure the 2 spare i have came from an 8v though :S

Edited by timmsy19

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i'll give it a go in the morning before work :D


mine is a 1.9 mi16. im quite sure the 2 spare i have came from an 8v though :S


Ah,if its an MI it wil prob be very different,prob wont even plug in.

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hmm they both plug in but not fitted them tonight just went to check the plugs

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well i checked both AFM's i have and both either idled to high or idle just dropped off the face of the earth


car has been fine the last 2 days though :S

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