I'm trying to find my 205 mojo again, so set myself on the task of thinking about everything i dont like about my charger install, but ignoring the oil leak for the moment.   The first issue is the oil breather system. I will openly admit that I totally forgot about the oil filler and breather system when designing the install, and thus it doesn't fit, or work too well as there is just no space for any of the standard hoses. I have fudged it to fit, but its rubbish and needs changing.   I have been thinking, could I modify the standard cam cover and install an oil filler cap, thus reducing the need for the oe filler. Then run a hose from the bottom block (old oil filler connection) to pre-charger thus applying a vacuum to the crank case. Then T off this hose, a connection to the cam cover (standard cam cover outlet).   If you can follow what I'm saying, do you think it will work.   Mad.