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205 Gti 2 Litre 8V Turbo

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I have the turbo 8v out of the 406 Sri in my 205 it has stage 3 ported n polished head has flowed and has the 205 gti 1.9 camshaft in it.


Been thinking about getting the turbo rebuilt with t28 internals. As many people say a t28 won't fit.

Is tht true?


I also want to update the camshaft is there 1 out there that ppls like? Kent, piper cat cam etc


I'm also running the vts 2 litre gearbox am thinking maybe a 1.9 box would be better?


Any good ideas ?



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Hi, I have the 406 turbo engine in my 205.

I have a hybrid T25 / T28 and the spool time is very quick, its very different to the T25 ! Well worth the money !

I didn't realy find anyone that sold a cam shaft for my engine, so I got one custom ground from spoox motorsport, I then bought a head with one in already, so I have one spare if you can't find anything .


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I think PeterT may have a cam grind to suit a Turbo. If you drop him a PM Im sure he will suggest something and his prices are spot on. The T28 rebuild sounds like the way to go as far as I know, Im a big fan of using the smallest turbo required on a motor like yours.


Do you have a build thread?



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I have been in to 205 for many years now but only a member on this site for a month I have a lot of pictures to build a thread I will get round to it soon


I will contact PeterT

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Theres someone on the 406oc forum whos fitted a t28 internals in to the standard turbo exhaust housing but needs to modify the oil return pipe. not sure if hes done it yet or not

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Jus to make it clear hes fitted the turbo but not modified the oil return pipe to fit the turbo yet

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I was thinking on getting a dp manifold and turbo not to sure really

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Cat Cam's do a cam for this engine as well, Mind I'd get a decent ECU on there first as this will gain more than anything

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I'm running omex 600 :)

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